Contact Us

Where to find us

1 Philip Lane, London N15 4JA

Mixed group

Every Wednesday: 6.30 - 9pm

Women only

Every Sunday: 11am - 1pm

Nearest Underground station: Seven Sisters - Victoria Line

Nearest Overground station: Bruce Grove

Buses: 41. 76. 149. 230. 243. 259. 279. 218. 349. 476. W4. 341

Metered car parking available


Opening Times
Mixed group
Every Wednesday: 6.30 - 9pm
Women only
Every Sunday: 11am - 1pm

Nearest Underground station: Seven Sisters - Victoria Line***Nearest Overground station: Bruce Grove Buses: 41. 76. 149. 230. 243. 259. 279. 218. 349. 476. W4. 341 Metered car parking available

Get in touch with Jason Linton

If you would like to Join or find out more about Haringey Squash
Club, just enter your details below.